Team - All

Rank Participant Prone Standing Sitting Kneeling Test Team
1 Bend of the River 383.8 342.4 369.9 360.6 362 1818.7
Helton, Gunny (gun) 96.1 93.2 91.5 97.6 94 472.4
Grider, Jaylyn (jayl) 99.7 89.4 93.9 91.3 94 468.3
Noble, Emma (nob) 95.7 85.6 92.0 89.5 82 444.8
Noble, Elijah (eli) 92.3 74.2 92.5 82.2 92 433.2
2 Bend of the River CoC 199.2 175.7 198.1 194.5 192 959.5
Helton, Callie (cal) 102.6 90.1 97.6 98.4 94 482.7
Grider, Jayden (jayd) 96.6 85.6 100.5 96.1 98 476.8
3 Bend of the River 99.1 91.3 97.6 85.8 92 465.8
Ciaburro, Lucrezia (lu) 99.1 91.3 97.6 85.8 92 465.8
4 alt Bend of the River 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0
4 alt Bend of the River 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0